Inside The Mirror

Why your People Strategy is critical to your business

January 03, 2023 Kyle David Episode 129

Hey y'all,

Happy New Year!

I'm excited to get this year rocking for you, for myself, and for the podcast.

The first episode of 2023 is with my friend, Emily Harvin. 
Emily is the HR Director for a company called Caif. Emily and I met through business but connected instantly over our heart and passion for people in the workplace. 
Emily and I share a belief that people are the most important asset a business has and should be treated as such. (which is sadly often not the case in many modern companies.)

 Emily and I talked people strategies, how to care for people well in business and her experience growing up with a father as a business owner and what she learned from him about how to treat people.

If you know me you know I'm incredibly passionate about leading from a place of Love so this conversation was a blast for me!

Hope something here resonated and made you think.

Thanks for listening, 

God bless.


Lets connect on social media:




TikTok: Kyledavid970 

Snapchat: kyledavid970

Linkdin: Kyle David

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